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Re: <amarc-1> telecoms & strategy (was: A different concern)

Hello all,

>The goal, I hope, is to link those two.  Lyn's proposal on tracking and

>bothering telecoms giants and their next-generation competitors is a
>in this direction.  Kole's call to collate this and place it on a web
>is another.  Are others interested in this?

There is a corporate research company called TeleGeography
( that already does this research,
presumably for corporate investment purposes. They publish a book called
the TeleGeography 100 that maps the ownership structures of 100 top
telecoms, computer and entertainment companies, listing all their
subsidiaries including many strategic alliances (ala Mark Crispin Miller
only with much more detail). They also publish a yearly global map
showing the status and placement of submarine cables and major telecom
satellites. Their publications are extremely expensive, but I've found
the map in particular to be quite useful for showing students the
disparity of international telecommunications access - for instance the
perimeter of Africa is ringed with submerged data cables yet there are
few drop points into the continent itself.

I agree that a web site that is a clearing house for this type of info
would be useful with the appropriate outreach. Such a body of
information should be used to encourage international advocacy and
activism on a number of fronts such as worker solidarity,
environmentalism, human rights and the need for democratic
communications. In other words, we need to outreach to these other,
seemingly unrelated groups and encourage them to make 'the right to
communicate' a significant part of their struggle as well.

I'm reminded of a recent discussion with a U.S. labor organizing friend
who told me that the workers of one U.S. telecom being taken over by
another were relatively unconcerned since the new company had a slightly
better contract with their workers. These are types of contradictions
that need to be discussed more broadly and on an international basis -
for instance the proposed GTE takeover of Puerto Rico's telecom system
should be the cause for international job actions in solidarity with the
people of Puerto Rico, instead it goes unnoticed.

>Lyn has suggested that we open dialogue with the corporations who
already sit
>around decision-making tables, formally and informally -- at the ITU,
or at
>the World Trade Organization which is crowding the ITU's political

I agree that these are significant sites of resistance (Dee Dee Halleck
has always stressed the ITU as an important place to organize) but until
there is a broad based, international constituency that is informed and
ready to act on these issues, I'm uncertain if there would be anything
to sit down at the table and bargain with successfully. Here in the
U.S., the wholesale corporate buyout of legislation is only deterred
when the public interest lobbies have large well organized
constituencies (i.e. voters) to bargain with. I think one of the primary
goals of the World Congress should be in building this critical mass
prior to the 2000 gathering so there will be something more than a
platform and ethics to bring to these respective tables.


Michael Eisenmenger

Paper Tiger Television
339 Lafayette Street                       fax: (212) 420-8223
New York, NY 10012                     email: [email protected]
phone: (212) 420-9045           web:
Paper Tiger TV is a non-profit volunteer collective that has
been pioneering media criticism through video since 1981. The
diverse series of over 260 programs addresses issues of demo-
cratic communications, media representation and the economics
of the information industry. The tapes are broadcast in NYC
and across the U.S. The tapes are also distributed by PTTV
to universities, libraries, and media art centers worldwide.
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