Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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Re: <amarc-1> telecoms & strategy

I too have been following this debate, and Sean Siochru's comments prompt
me to second his sugestion. My motto is "Don't just agonize, organize!" So
we have organized the Cultural Environment Movement (CEM),a non-profit
coalition of independent organizations and individual supporters in every
state of the U.S. and 57 other countries on six continents, united in
working for gender equity, general diversity, and democratic
decision-making in media ownership, employment and representation. The next
CEM Convention will be held at Ohio University, Athens, Ohia March 26-28,
1999. (Thoser interested in receiving an invitation send a message
including mailing address to [email protected].

We support Sean's plan for a World Congress, hope to be represented, and
urge him to proceed with concrete steps.

George Gerbner.

George Gerbner
Bell Atlantic Professor of Telecommunication
Temple University, Philadelphia.  Tel/fax 610 642 3061
E-mail:[email protected]

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