Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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Re: <amarc-3> Introduction to Lanie Goebel -Reply

As I read Lanie's intro and Lumko's response (I'm well, Lumko, and happy to
be seeing you soon!), I am reminded of why this medium is both exhilarating
and scarry at the same time.  In the US where so many of us have so much
access, there are too many of us who have none.  And, unfortunately, with
each technological leap, we further marginalize those already on the
Even where we have access to media as "consummers", we have shrinking
access as producers.  So far, the internet is the exception, but, of
course, it is severely limited in the breadth of access to it.  

It seems to me that one of the most important parts of a charter concerns
maintaining and expanding access as media producers. And as Steve Ahern has
noted on amarc-4, broad based training is as important in that regard as
are things like spectrum designation.  At present in the US there are
proposals being considered at the congressional level which would guarantee
more funding for non-commercial media, but part of the proposal is
restricting such funding to one station per market area.  So, if that
proposal should win the day, many community stations could lose funding. 

My primary point is that the broader the access to media production, the
greater the likelihood that some of the rest of Elvira's questions will be
taken care of.  The closer we come to incorporating "all the voices", the
better our chances of protecting the interests of civil society, indigenous
rights, etc.  Further, it might allow us to avoid the possible chasm
between what some from the US and Australia which Elvira identified.  I
can't recall her expressions, but I assume the potential is between those
who demand some absolutist notion of freedom of expression and those who
are concerned about such things as hate speech.  If we stick to issues of
access and training, then we're willing to risk that dangerous thing called
democracy (not voting, but real participation).  

And with the global corporate mergers, it seems to me that that is our most
urgent need. Elizabeth

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