Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> Correction: Introductions -Reply

[Charles Iseman's previous message was sent out with my name in the To:
line.  It's not my message -- it's his!  Sorry, Charles.  Here it is again.

I think that ongoing discussion of political issues aimed at promoting
further the freedom of discourse of individuals to discuss such matters
is all for the good.  The concerns of the "founding fathers and mothers"
of the U.S. was focussed on this very concern (see, e.g., The Federalist
Papers, Madison et al.).  It would be desirable, in my opinion, for
American society to begin to focus more energy on these issues and
less on "crass commercialism."  Along these same lines, it would be
valuable for the American media to include more input (i.e., programming,
etc.) from other nations.  (My personal opinion is that much of the BBC
material that is played on PBS stations represents the best of American
TV.  It would be neat for more Australian, European, African, Asian,
non-U.S. American (North and South), Antarctic ( :-) ) programming and
cultural aspects to be shown and shared in the U.S.  I would add that the
advent of DTV and more broadband capacity in cable systems and BSS
could create a need for more programs and, hence, create opportunities
for the cross-cultural programming I personally favor.  This would give
new meaning to the "Old West" phrase of "crossing the continental
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