Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> Intro

Ed Sills here.  I think its time to jump aboard.  My experience with the
previous virtual conference has left me with the feeling that these
discussions need sort of a wild card, non initiate voice...let it be me.
(Thank you, Jan.) Most of the folks speaking have great bona fides, I
produced the local humane society lost pet show for several years.  We
are talking the grassiest of roots here.

So I see these proceedings through somewhat "new eyes", with the
following comments:

Can we form a group voice to lend weight to, or influence national
decisions and policies concerning rights to communicate in all mediums
at all levels?

Are we able to promote multi-cultural programming for the major
participants in the media?  (The best in American programming comes from
Canada IMHO, Charles) 

In the arena of media monopoly, what can be done to offset the fact that
so much is in the control of so few? (and those few don't want to speak
for the rest of us).

In the same vane:  "Market self regulation" (thank you, David and Mark)
If the United States is an example, shouldn't we figure out how to pull
the plug and start over?  Or, how do we eliminate the idea that truth
(and who gets to speak it) is for sale to the highest bidder?

Alexia (thank you), in a corollary of this asks, `Who has the right to
say who has the right?'.

Sean has done a better job of this sort of comment than I:  We have
people talking here, let's go ahead and see what we can do with it.

Concerning the form this discussion should take, Pradip has given
alternatives.  Can we keep it simple?  If we are galvanized by an event,
yes, by all means, solidarity, in the mean time, I think casual is good.

Are we, the participants in this group privileged? I should ask, `am I
privileged'? Yes, I suppose so (I think you are right, Lyn, though it
annoys me for some reason). But as far as taking responsibility... I
will say what I believe to be true at the time, with the information I
have.  THis might end up with me sounding like a drunken monkey.

I would like to ask B. Keith, how can we know to look for something
unless we know it's there?  I tell people every day, whatever you want
to know, or find out about, it's there on the 'net.  Do they believe me?
Do they believe you?

Jose, you have hit the nail on the head.  How can we maintain "self" 
and still be part of the world?  What to keep, throw away, and who

Lastly, Rafael has suggested testing or cyber-muscles on "the situation
in Uruguay"  Yikes!  Rafael, you are going to have to bring me up to
speed on this one.  I live on an island in the middle of the Pacific. 
Wots happening?

I know there should be some sort of closing to this, but there isn't.  I
also know that as long as we all keep asking questions, we will find the
answers.      Aloha mai, ke aloha  ems

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