Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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<amarc-1> Introduction from Barbados

[slight edits. --bda]

Hello to co-participants,

My name is Lanie Goebel, and I am participating in this conference from
Barbados, WI.  I have recently moved, and now I begin the long process of
applying for a telephone.

This AMARC/Videazimut joint discussion on "Strategies for building the
international movement for communication rights," is very appropriate to me
now.  I realize how many people in Third World Countries, do not have
nearly the chance of access, that I struggle to maintain.  This form of an
on-line global communication policy resource from a civil society
perspective, takes on real meaning to me here.

The overwhelming heat of coping without air-conditioning has left me with a
headache.  Seeing the daily struggle that most people here live through,
just to keep their present living state, without even giving thought to
improving it, is difficult to communicate.

Presently, I do not feel like a group of "Academic wankers," as one person
would have us consider ourselves.  As I read the introductions I see some
people that are really trying to make changes.  I applaud anyone that would
consider speaking out in a "Third World Country," where government may take
offense at what is said.  I am pleased to see people working with children,
trying to educate them.  These are bold steps, and as I realize that these
people are also taking time to participate in these forums, I want to
express my thanks.

In the midst of heat, a struggle to fit in to a new culture, and
discouragement, that can come from out of no where, it is this group that
can keep me focused and hopeful. Barbados is celebrating their annual
"Crop-Over Festival," this weekend. One of the main events is the
"Pic-O-De-Crop Finals".  This year it has brought forth government, NGO's,
and media together to debate, "pay for view TV coverage" vers the peoples
right to access via free TV to their
major cultural event.  It has also stirred controversy of the "Artists
Rights," verses "the media, and TV" in regard to profits made. Lastly, some
of the songs themselves have put our feelings into music.  The reigning
calypso king, "Mighty Gabby" sang my sentiments in "De Children Crying":

De children / Crying out / Crying out / For love and affection / rejection
/ What's the reason for this / mass rejection / Of our little children. /
It is a multiplicity of complexities / Moral decay and social disease /
Albeit / Reflect / On the treatment children
does get. / set an example, play a vital role / Don't leave your children
out in de cold. / Your love and affection / worth much more than gold. /
The story must be told.

As I read the history of this country I discover many of the leaders, have
really only voiced the opinions of their parents.  Possibly if we feel we
are not making an impact, it is because we are talking to only adults, and
not teaching the virtues of love, and compassion to the next generation.

If anyone wants the complete song, just E-mail me.


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