Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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Re: <amarc-1> A different concern

Dear Kole,

I think I may speak for myself if not some others when I say that your
impassioned comments do not fall upon deaf ears. Perhaps what we all learn
as time passes, so quickly, is how long it takes to bring about positive

When I was 16 in 1961 and studying economics at school for my final exams
my  aim was to bring about a redistribution of the world's resources so
that there would be no more poverty in terms of food, education, health and
all the other things that are vital for a decent quality of life for all. I
then thought in my youthful arrogance that a decade should be enough to
straighten out the conservative agenda of the oldies. 

Since then I have worked, taught, travelled to many parts of the world and
experienced both the extremes of poverty and wealth. I have also had two
marriages and three children, now all adult, and two, like you, studying at
University. They also experience frustrations as I have. Hopefully, I have
done a few decent things along the way. I have also made some  near fatal
errors of judgment.

The answer is not to be found in the "-isms" and "-ologies" but in the
human heart. There are no racial, national or tribal monopolies on either
goodness or wickedness. Each race has its saints and sinners.   The problem
lies in the insecurity, fear and uncertainty of the human spirit. While we
approach others in the spirit of distrust and aggression and hoard our
goods and talents for ourselves nothing will change.

In November 1992, on a return flight from Africa, I wrote the following: 

Ennobling, enriching, empowering.
Those whose dark eyes and simple lives
Are perceived as "needy".

Needs and wants - life's conundrum
Wants made more urgent by commercial cajolery
Needs unsatisfied by the plastic toys
Of western technology.

I've travelled between the worlds of rich and poor
To seek the human thread of kinship.
I've found it delicately poised in a smile,
a touch, a hug of unguarded love.

Moved beyond the confines of my own
limited perspectives of understanding
To "The Other" of Millennia.

Maybe this poem partially expresses both the impotence and optimism of at
least one "cyber-elder".

Lyn Maciver

Gerri Marston
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