Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> A different concern

I send fraternal greeting to you all. I do not know if there are also
students who, like me are partaking of the wisdom of 'cyber-elders'. The
introductions have come from various lecturers and director/founders, I
just hope that my little voice can be read by as many as are interested in
different perspectives written in rotten English. You'll have to pardon my
inability to communicate with the kind of fluidity this gathering is used
to and encourages. I hope in a way the points will be made. 

One thing that has troubled me since logging onto this techno-wonder is how
to detect the nature of those who comment at the 'conference halls without
walls'. Because for me when you remove 'commune' from communicate what you
have left is nothing but rhetorics. And when you have a commune which does
not have an identifiable praxis, nor a willingness to break out of the
economic 'tradition' and there is no way to tell the conservative from the
reactionary elements, one should begin to get worried at the bond that
links the "kindred spirits". A commune where in the truth of spirits can
break barriers and assist others to break such barriers in very practical
terms is in deed kindred. 

Is it possible to speak of Rights to communicate without a thought for the
state of communication facilities available to the majority caught within
that vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and voicelessness? As a student in
the basic science class we were told that it is the weakest part of the
chain that determines its strength. I wonder if it will ever be possible to
also have sessions for those countries that still rely on the good old
postal system as means of moving messages, data and ideas from place to
place. A reading of Paul McCormack in Media and culture will bring us back
to the basics. Please do not get me wrong, I'm not saying the conference of
the rich talking to the rich (in information & means of travel) should not
hold. I'm only suggesting that if possible precious minutes should be
spared to consider the plight of the majority too, they are Humans Beings
too. So in what form can such interventions take, how can the information
superhighway help the local pathways? why will the present crop of virtual
conferees be bothered with such primitive technologies, have same concerns
not been dramatized by those who have to travel to the Airport to be a part
of this conference.

I do not know, but what I know is that I'm getting increasingly frustrated
by the silences, and way in which I get treated in this kind of gatherings.
If the informal discussions I've had with some members on this listserve is
anything to go by I wonder if the former tribes of radicals of yore, who
stood to subvert the system, challenge its unjust regulations are still
anywhere around. The keyboard as insrument for change and advocacy seem
only to be used, within the same conservative system. The ideology promoted
by virtual practice of read alone, write alone,  think alone, will only
promote the  notion that those of us without can go solve our problems alone. 

It was so interesting reading and re-reading the culled article by Allan
Siegel and the good talk about "a virtual world free from or inherently
separated from the political and social realities of another non-virtual
world". I just hope that the conditions that restrict a certain group of
person to one location where they are unable to effectively throw their
ideas into the market place of contention will be challenged, inverted then
subverted by radicals who not only write but can demonstrate that the
present system of restriction on persons is also a curtailment of one's
choice to use foot-as board and not the keyboards. The Right to move
unhindered must be a pre-condition for movement of ideas via cyberspace. I
hope there are still kind-hearted 'Germans' out there who can against all
odds hide the skull of a Jew from crow-bars. God save us from kindred
spirits who "wish you luck" in your moments of desperation. I rest my case
and return to the chore of my studies!
kole Ade-Odutola,
University of Reading
Bridges Hall
White nights Rd

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