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<amarc-1> motivation to action (was: A different concern)

Dear Charles,
There is something even of greater importance in the great schemee of things.
Most of the now "developing world" used to be perfectly able tto feed
themselves etc. It was colonisation that started the rot to set in.
Engendering dependency and then offering AID is neither a short or long
term solution, on the personal or national level.

Who wants to feel beholden to another person or power when one is also
aware that this person/power is also the source of our impoverishment and

It is about human dignity as much as human rights, or are they in fact the
same thing?

I am realistic enough to believe in the fact that some people will only
lift a finger to help another if there is some perceived personal benefit
to be derived. But there are also lots who do not look to be reimbursed,
even if it only the "feel good" factor.

At 07:17 PM 8/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>>> claddagh company  by way of Bram Dov Abramson <[email protected]>
>Lynn and Gerri,
>A very fine and palpable point!  I would add, from what I perceive of the
>world, is that the odds of redressing a given problem, such as poverty,
>increase dramatically to the extent that "economic market forces" find
>incentive to address them.  Thus, if aid, training, investment in an
>impoverished area are seen not simply as a "hunt for cheap labor" in the
>short-run, but as building in the mid-to-long run the infrastructure of a
>market of future consumers and traders -- then development will occur
>much more certainly and rapidly than would be the case if one relied only
>on a combination of governmental programs and private "largesse." 
>Thus, governmental actions (if any) would have greatest effect if they
>are simply to create, to increase, and/or to focus private sector
>awareness upon favourable economic incentives to address the
>underlying problem.
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