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Re: <amarc-1> telecoms & strategy (was: A different concern)

Dear All,

I'm sorry to jump in ever so often,but I think Lyn is driving us towards
one of the ports we need to arrive at.The slice that I have chosen from
his piece below represents for me the core of what to do,will anyone
accuse me of wanting to be spoon fed, if I ask how will we TARGET the
> Targetting the Boards and management of these 200 MNC's

**I do not really think that 200 companies is such a big deal,but the whole
MNC have over the rest of us is their ability to create and maintain data
at any cost. How can we make available on a webpage that can be widely
advertised the list of these companies and what we can do? I'm such
learning from the kind of Oxfam or Amnesty letter writing strategy may
help, but some-one, some Agency must be prepare to collate this data and
make it public property.

Secondly, Lyn with all respect I think this next point is a contradiction
to the definition of globalization you gave and the fact that investment,
profit motif are the engines that drive globalization. The truth, if it
must be told, is that capital and profit accumulation in a market oriented
dispensation is MORAL NEURAL. QED To ask them to CONSIDER is to appeal to
factors that are not a part of their constitution. Are consumers really
powerless? Probably appeals to economic tyrants is the only way out,maybe.
The political tyrants never gave up until prostrate cancer and heart attack
came calling. I wonder how these soul-less entities will be moved to
respond to appeals. Maybe you know a lot more than we get to read about
boardroom politics.

> (they consider the human rights implications of their policies is
    an important priority).

We are really at their mercy??

> For our continuing access to the Internet, the national and international
> telecommunications corporations are the final decision makers as to whether
> to  maintain relatively open access or whether to "pull the plug" 

What are their strategic plans for expansion? ***Some tokenist gestures
will only reinforce their exploitative hold. You know what charity does to
a people who should demand for a better deal? They simply become complacent
and continually wait for largesse from their overlords.

Though I know not of any better alternative, but it goes to show how locked
we all are in the hands of these multinationals we as consumers created
with our propensity to consume.

I hope the issues you have raised, Lyn and the questions asked will find
answers as we all retire into our research stations.


kole ade-odutola
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