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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Re: <amarc-1> Brazil and Puerto Rico

Thanks to Carlos for taking the time to insert such worthwhile and
valuable information about the status of the Brazilian Telecom sale.
Very depressing, which set me to wondering what the U.S. Government
would be willing to sell to service it's debt for a few months or even a
few days - which begs the question  of why it is never pushed into that
position. Meanwhile the workers of Bell Atlantic (a major telecom
provider that gobbled up NYNEX last year) are out on strike. What is one
of their major issues? The forty hour work week! It seems overtime is
mandatory for workers at this highly profitable telecom. In spite of the
legacy of workers revolts throughout the turn of century, those brave
souls who fought and died for 'our' rights (like the 40 hour week) have
been long since forgotten in the high stakes rush on the global
competition boardgame. Today's new Neoliberal Pinkertons no longer carry
guns or nightsticks, just laptops.  That's all it takes to bring a
developing country to it's knees and force it to divest public resources
to refinance the national debt. By the time this obscene mess shakes out
none of us may have phone service that works much less food.

>Recently, this same government rescued misdeeds of the big Brazilian
>bankers to the tune of more than 10 billion dollars...

I'm afraid it just gets worse, today I heard Mexico was forced to outdo
this figure for the misdeeds of its own white collar banking criminals
(three of which are on the Forbes 200 list of the richest people in the

Viva Marcos!

Paper Tiger Television
339 Lafayette Street                       fax: (212) 420-8223
New York, NY 10012                     email: [email protected]
phone: (212) 420-9045           web:
Paper Tiger TV is a non-profit volunteer collective that has
been pioneering media criticism through video since 1981. The
diverse series of over 260 programs addresses issues of demo-
cratic communications, media representation and the economics
of the information industry. The tapes are broadcast in NYC
and across the U.S. The tapes are also distributed by PTTV
to universities, libraries, and media art centers worldwide.

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