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<amarc-1> Getting Here from There

[A number of messages have arrived on access issues.  I've moved them into
their own thread called "Getting Here from There", alongside the "Telecoms
& Strategies" and the "Brazil/Puerto Rico" threads. --bda]

Dear Ed,

>(Thank you, Jan.) Most of the folks speaking have great bona fides, I
>produced the local humane society lost pet show for several years.  We
>are talking the grassiest of roots here.

Just to dispel any false notions, let me say I have no great "bona fide
qualifications."  I have traveled extensively which may have lead me into
the "Globalization" aspects.  I have experienced huge problems with
communication as a result.  My computing skills have been limited to
learning as required, to keep ahead of my children.  I married my husband
in 1976, and continued working as a nurse until recently while he did a
Masters and Ph.D. in Computing.  I hang on the periphery of conferences,
meetings, and discussions.  Currently, my husband is too busy to become
involved, so some of my opinions are possibly only the voice I hear
expressed again and again, in the halls of universities, with my personal

>Can we form a group voice to lend weight to, or influence national
>decisions and policies concerning rights to communicate in all mediums
>at all levels?

Here in Barbados, it was just merely my presence, and my being involved on
their behalf that seems to have stirred the government to take a more
active role.

>In the arena of media monopoly, what can be done to offset the fact that
>so much is in the control of so few? (and those few don't want to speak
>for the rest of us).

I am really interested to hear if anyone has an answer to this question.  I
see this again and again.

>Are we, the participants in this group privileged? I should ask, `am I
>privileged'? Yes, I suppose so (I think you are right, Lyn, though it
>annoys me for some reason).

Yes, we are, without a doubt privileged.

>I would like to ask B. Keith, how can we know to look for something
>unless we know it's there?  I tell people every day, whatever you want
>to know, or find out about, it's there on the 'net.  Do they believe me?
>Do they believe you?

I find people hungry to learn how to use this new form of information.  I
do not have the time or resources to do nearly what is asked of me daily.
I am presently considering printing some simple booklets on the basics of
using internet technology.  Here, in Barbados, the nice glossy magazines
may be available to the few who can afford them, but mostly they are too
expensive for even me.  Many people do not even know where to start.
Getting on-line is difficult, and then the line drops.  That's frustrating.
Do it too many times and the enthusiasm wanes.

Lanie Goebel

R.G. (Randy) Goebel		Professor & Chair
Computing Science		Edmonton, Alberta
University of Alberta		Canada T6G 2H1
e-mail: [email protected]	www:
fax: (403) 492-1071		voice: (403) 492-4589

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