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<amarc-1> Getting Here from There

Dear Every one,
               Some how this discussion is getting very interesting and
I'll just want to quickly address the issue raised by DeeDee about using
all the forms of existing communication facilities to inform a larger
audience.Instead of repeating my self I've just culled from a mail I
posted to the last AFR-FEM virtual conference.Though it was specifically
addressed to women,I guess we can still adopt it.May I also inform you
that a lecturer in Uganda tried it and later reported to the on her
findings and also gave some recommendations,which I can send to any body
who is interested.So what did I say to them:
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 02:44:35 +0000 (GMT)

But first my suggestions(
(1) I think there is need to cater for some groups of women who have in
the last few years been engaged in the discourse at various levels,but who
due to no fault of theirs are not hooked on to the suggestion,if
not coming too late; is to use the United nations information centre as a
location for such women, once a week during this virtual conference, to 
also contribute their views.(I can elaborate on that later)
(2)Another way is to fax an edited version to women who we all can
suggest,and allow them make their contributions too.I make these 
suggestion as a Nigerian who lives with the daily pain of collapsing
infrastructure,you need not imagine that electricity is rationed and some
women who I know will not want an initiative such as this to pass them
by.Please do not get me wrong I'm not suggesting that EVERY woman must
take part in this.I know the woman in charge of UNIC in ikoyi,Nigeria has
a good list of such women,get in touch with her...ok I need not overmake
the point.

Now to this conference,I have given a thought to the issue of getting more
persons involved and I think some of us that have friends in the media can
begin by sending them materials from the conference.In the case of
Nigeria,if any one can offer to send materials by fax,I can give a few
names of Desk Editors who will ensure that these materials get into the
papers.The other strategy I intend to suggest is asking some selected
journalists to interview people who normally may not have the opportunity
of logging to the net.A central clearing house where the publications are
sent can then be decided.Once we all suggest names of the journalist in
the various countries we can then come up with a set of questions and a
nice summary that will reflect our focus.Before I'm taken up on this idea,
please, let me quickly say that I do not have in mind reporters based in
Europe or America,I'm thinking of those in Africa,Asia and such other
places where computers have not replaced the pen.
I hope it will be possible to find willing volunteers.


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