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Re: <amarc-1> Getting Here from There

Ahoj Lanie,

> I can not buy "Tampax" without instructions, yet internet providers tell me
> they do not want to teach people, because they will not buy as much time.
> How can this be?

Did you use this argument to illustrate, or did you really get 
accross it? I am flabbergasted by it! If this is indeed happening, it 
is yet another reason to set-up independent communication providers. 
We negotiated time-independent access... which would (theoretically) 
have to force providers to provide searching training, because then 
the people would be less connected and thus saving expenses (read: 


jan haverkamp
| Jan Haverkamp
| computer network for not-for-profit citizens organizations
| member of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC)
| Ceskomalinska 23
| tel.: +420.2.24311780
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