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Re: <amarc-1> Getting Here from There (fwd)

[forwarded by [email protected]; reply to [email protected]]

Ahoj jan,

>We negotiated time-independent access... which would (theoretically)
>have to force providers to provide searching training, because then
>the people would be less connected and thus saving expenses (read:

This sounds like such a great idea.  Not only do most people here need
search training, they need much better education in public school.  The
biggest problem still seems to be the incredibly high cost of living here.
Everyone is so busy working, just to maintain a standard of living, or to
put food on the table, that children view the internet as "Chat".  First,
the amount of "Chat" would have to be addressed, I think, or
time-independent access may prove counter productive.  It would certainly
flush a lot of issues out into the open.  Sometimes trying something
totally different really illuminates a lot of problems that are hidden.
then, you can begin to address them.  I still like the idea.  It has lots
of potential problems, that might cause a whole new line of thinking.  It
is certainly better than continuing in the same old mode.

Thanks, Lanie

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