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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Re: <amarc-1> Brazil and Puerto Rico (fwd)

[forwarded by [email protected]; reply to [email protected]]

>Unfortunately, Telecom labor is having the same luck as we are: the next
>day the strike was called off and the Telecom workers, defeated, returned
>to work.

Recently construction workers at two large projects have been striking to
gain public awareness of their cause, and for better working conditions.
however, these same workers cannot afford to lose any pay.  thus they have
been striking on their days off.  They have managed to get their concerns
covered by the local media, and some other groups have joined them to show
support.  This may not work everywhere, but when you realize the intense
heat, the expense of traveling to the sites, and the difficulty of
organizing these strikes, it has beeen much more effective than:
1.  losing wages
2.  doing nothing

Maybe, Telecom needs some help with more creative ways to voice their
displeasure.  Feeling defeated is never the answer.  That's why this forum
is so great.  We can learn from others facing similar issues.


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