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Re: <amarc-1> telecoms & strategy

Jan----It was good to hear your warm words from Prague once again. Hope
you've had time to dig in the earth as I do literally here.

I find it interesting that in the Czech Republic as in Australia the quality
programming is provided by the government we all distrust. However as
Maggie Grey from Queensland has noted most individuals apparently prefer the
commercial "rubbish". As well you demonstrate that noble
beginnings in broadcasting can quickly deteriorate.This brings to mind
comments from Jose that even NGO's may have hidden agendas and monopolies
are not necessarily harmful. Perhaps without Bill Gates we would not be
here. I am at least comforted Jan by your confidence in ongoing freedoms of
the Internet.

The Telecom posting from Carlos concerning Brazil could equally have come
from Australia. The government here is endeavouring to privatise the
industry to cover its debts, against a loud cry from rural dwellers who fear
lack of service provision. I have written a submission on this. Fortunately
I do not have to visit the airport. However I reside on an isolated
farm with an 80 klm connection of ancient cable to my service
provider. My costs to connect are huge complicated by low speeds
and high dropout rates.

I have also been pondering on the right not to communicate. Undoubtedly part
of the attraction of my "ïsolation"springs from the desire for silence and
for communion with nature. Others believe that without video and television
my life must be extremely deprived. Little do they know as they passively
view their "box" just how privileged I am in this international
participatory forum.

Could we have more info on the test case in Uruguay?

Georgina Napier
AMARC 7 Foro Virtual Forum Virtuel
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