Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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<amarc-1> ITU & NGOs

Hi everyone,

Forgive me for barging in on this session with a specific request, but I
hope it is sufficiently relevant to strategy to warrant your brief

I mentioned in a previous note that the International Telecoms Union (ITU)
recently set up (at the instigation of the Platform for Cooperation on
Communication and Democratisation) a Focus Group to look at the question of
telecommunications and NGOs.  I am Rapporteur for that Group.  Our group
will examine how NGOs currently benefit from the use of telecommunication,
how such benefits could be extended, the barriers to them (including for
instance, lack of access to the ITU), and short-term as well as strategies
ways in which NGOs could use telecommunication better.  A key question we
want to consider is how deeper involvement in the ITU (or perhaps the WTO
also) could be justified by on-the-ground benefits to NGO and development
aims.  The idea is that the Focus Group will report to the ITU in a year or
so, and include recommendations for how the ITU has open out to include the
interests of civil society (as they are already reaching out to -
desperately - the private sector).  Since the Focus Group has been set up
by the ITU-D Conference itself, we are hoping that our report cannot be


Our Focus Group is gathering experiences, from a few paragraphs to majors
reports, of examples where NGOs have benefited from the innovative use of
telecommunication (for instance internet, or radio …), of where their
absence has caused problems and ESPECIALLY where activities related to the
ITU hinder or enable NGOs to carry out their objectives.  We are also
interested in examples of where national authorities that are active in the
telecoms (regulators, Departments of communications) have had similar
impact (e.g. the allocation of spectrum, or lack of). 

AMARC has a member sitting on the Focus Group, and hopefully will be
contacting you in due course on the matter.  We will also discuss it at
some point at AMARC 7.  But in order to get to you all at once, and perhaps
encourage you to think about this, I thought I should broadcast this now.   

I think this is a good opportunity to turn much of our talk about
influencing the ITU into practical action - just what is it we want them to
do, and why?  How could their actions enhance development and democratising

The first meeting of ITU Focus Group Rapporteurs is in Geneva in early
September (needless to say, the ITU does not pay the travel …) and I would
like to have some solid feedback by then.  I myself will be in Milan only
for a few days of the conference, but would be glad to discuss it with any
of you.


Sean O Siochru

Sean O Siochru		tel:  +353 1 473 0599 office
NEXUS Research	tel: +353 1 2720 739  home office 
14 Eaton Brae 		fax:  +353 1 473 0597 office
Shankill			fax: +353 1 2720 034 home office
Co. Dublin		e-mail: [email protected]
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