Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Re: <amarc-1> telecoms & strategy (fwd)

[Forwarded by [email protected]; please reply to [email protected]]

Georgina and Jan,

>However I reside on an isolated
>farm with an 80 klm connection of ancient cable to my service
>provider. My costs to connect are huge complicated by low speeds
>and high dropout rates.
>I have also been pondering on the right not to communicate. Undoubtedly part
>of the attraction of my "ïsolation"springs from the desire for silence and
>for communion with nature. Others believe that without video and television
>my life must be extremely deprived. Little do they know as they passively
>view their "box" just how privileged I am in this international
>participatory forum.

Once again I pop in  from Barbados.  I agree.  I have no TV, radio, or
telephone.  I certainly do not say this should be my lifestyle forever, but
it has certainly given me time to ponder the life of many people in the
world that live in this same state of quiet peace.  I think I have nearly
lulled myself into having difficultly with some of the real abstract

For the first time in years I look back at my constant drive to read more,
learn more, understand more, agitate more, and suddenly there is all this
quiet in my brain.  I sit on my deck and watch the ocean and the stars.  No
TV, no reading, no computer, no radio.  The neighbours push off in their
little boats to catch some fish for breakfast.  I wonder how I could ever
form opinions without ever living like this.  Was I only selling the
popular agenda.  Now I think harder.  I wonder more.

Can we preserve these pockets of culture in the midst of globalization, and
growing technology?  The space to listen to the change from day to night is
sacred.  Is there any technological media that can communicate this?  It
seems to me as soon as you introduce TV, video games, or radio, you lose
the culture.  The groups of little old men who sit around in the shack at
the end of the street talking, playing their games, and drinking their
"Banks beer, or rum.  The parents and children who wander down to my beach
for a late night swim, to cool off before going to bed.  My daughter who
has suddenly taken up reading books that are older than I am, asking, "Did
you read this one mom?  It's really good!"  This is lost in the cities
where the Universities are located, or the head offices of the companies
are found.

How do we communicate to them from these pockets of isolation, our desire
to be a part of the world, but, our reluctance to be taken over by it?

No programing or language can transmit the sounds of peace, the crickets,
the waves, the wind, the smell.  The way I could just sit here for moments,
looking at the wind in the trees wondering if I really have anything to say
at all.  It is nice to hear from Georgina that she is experiencing the same


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