Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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From [email protected]  Mon Aug 10 14:09:10 1998
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Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 14:09:12 -0400
To: (amarc-3)
From: Kole Oluwatoyin Ade-Odutola <[email protected]> (by way of Bram Dov Abramson <[email protected]>) (by way of Elvira Truglia <[email protected]>)
Subject: <amarc-3> Re: <amarc-1> A concern,our concern
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[This message was submitted to the amarc-1 group, but seemed more
appropriate to amarc-3.  With the author's permission, that's where I've
redirected it.  References to amarc-1 conversations should be taken on
stride, or even consulting on the amarc web site.  Slight edits for
context. --bda - moderator, amarc-1.]

I do not wish to further in the vein, what I wrote in that first piece but
to return to the substantive issues of discourse i.e the Milan Declaration
and communication of Rights. You did me mention about 'the answer' and
'change',these twin strings on which the mind ponders all the time. It is
however unfortunate that understanding the complexities of the search for
'the answer' and fundermental change, seem to have been overtaken by equal
actions. Can you imagine if every of the 400 or so persons and institutions
on this listserve decide to 'do one more thing' for those in need of
support or soliderity not as a form of charity but in the belief that as
part of the Human race they deserve to be taken into consideration? In my
very short span of existence I have come to appreciate the fact that the
world will remain in the strangle-hold of a few if the majority do not
think of consolidating their best brains to continually fashion out
strategies that will counter the exploitative forces who daily grow in both
industrialised countries and in the least developed countries. We should
not throw up our hands in resignation.I for one do not think that I can
change the world's unjust system over night, but I'll like to be sure that
there are comrades in different parts of the world who also think that for
every local change made, for every positive intervention made in the life
of someone in need the better for our world. What Agenda can we include in
that declaration that will make people like me feel that from our patch of
earth, where priorities are different and resources thin,we can contribute
to the development of the Human Race. What will the declaration say to our

What will the declaration say to NGOs that want to assist in such countries?

What will the declaration say to individuals that are struggling for
self-determination,how can communication rights help their course?

Sometime ago there was a push to have a New World Information and
Communication Order: whatever happened to the initiative?

How can the Milan Declaration for instance revive the South-South
communication Network?

Please do not get me wrong: I'm not suggesting that the MD should answer
all the questions of communication. What I'll like to be educated upon is
what the scope of the Declaration should encompass or should I be asking
what the actual focus is for now. I hope 'they' are not just going to wish
me luck in my search. 'To name a spade as such we must be ready to use
one', I just hope the cover of the screen will not prevent us from
separating the wheat from the chaff. Thanks lyn, at least I know that a
fighter (or is it former?) for people's right lives somewhere. We must not
give up, every little action will add up to the mighty that gives us might.

**In short what is the focus of the MD?
**Is there any need to include free and unhindered movement of persons as a
pre-condition for communication rights?
**In societies where physical movement constitutes their right to
communicate with the rest of the world, how can they be protected?
**Finances flow cross boarders,goods and services are dumped on poor
nations but when their citizens with genuine concern seek to cross-boarders
they only are wished good luck by supposed kindred spirits, it is me today
I wonder whose turn it will be tomorrow.

I'm done. Thanks, hope the various conferences me and my kindred spirits
back in developing countries, can't afford to attend will yield fruits that
will unfurl a change in our life time or that of the life of the children
of those lucky to have.

Kole Ade-Odutola
University of Reading,

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