Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> Introductions

[slight edits. --bda]

Responding to recent intros from David Casacuberta, Alexia Parks and Jan
Haverkamp, all of whom have raised important issues for ongoing discussion.
I'm an Australian woman, presently Principal Consultant of The Claddagh
Company which is a communication management consultancy based in Bathurst,
a town of around 30,000 at the centre of rich farming land. Our Company
consults for government and business, and embrace principles of ethical
practice, equity, diversity and equal opportunity.  [For further
information on Claddagh, please contact the author directly.]

My own background is in Economics, Education and English at undergraduate
level and communication management at postgraduate.  I feel an affinity
with David's efforts to differentiate between European and US
understandings of "democratic rights". The same is true of many Australians
who view with alarm the encroachment of the US worldview and agenda setting
in the Australian media, political processes, foreign policy, popular
culture, fast food mentality andd corporate life.

Alexia's notion of "An American Gulag" I find confronting and as someone
was involved in development of an international electronic mail network for
high school students in the mid 80's I can only say how much I support
freedom of expression for the young. Distortions in communication --
including obscenities now so often the norm in converstion and expression
of the young -- are reflective of the frustration and disenchantment many
feel in observing the disgusting legacy now left to them: the chaos,
corruption and exploitation of both human and industrial resources that has
so characterised the greed and materialism of the post-Industrial world. I
suspect that Jan would fit very comfortably as an addition to the 21
associates already part of our virtual Claddagh Company, associates in
values and goals, rather than geographical proximity.

On the matter of our privileged position in being able to communicate on
the net and mostly being free, articulate and concerned enough to become
involved. Privilege has always implied responsibility -- or at least that
has been the ideal, if not the reality. As the privileged, we have the
responsibility to be honest and open as to our personal and professional
agenda in being part of these discussions. If we are unaware of these,
don't worry, it doesn't take long for others to take our true measure, on
the net as elsewhere. We do have a duty to speak in simple, direct ways,
and not to play acaademic games. Life is too short.

We also have a responsibility to forward any communication we consider to
be valuable to those in our own varied networks who will find such of value
to them and their networks.

Marilyn Fergusson in "The Aquarian Conspiracy" some time ago spoke of a
vast and growing "conspiracy" of people of good will meeting, recognising
each other and forming formidable networks working for the betterment of
all. These networks can join to bring about change and I for one am
confident that great  changes in human spirituality and leadership are
already well underway. The leadership will come from the aggregation of
each individual rather than from someone appointed at the apex. The chains
that will bind us all will be chains of considerable strength because that
will be the ties that bind in love, mutual respect and commitment beyond
the self, and these are mighty hard chains to break.

With mutual regard and sincere optimism,
Lyn Maciver

Gerri Marston
Communications Management
Suite 2/49 Keppel STreet
PO Box 1774
Bathurst  NSW  2795

Telephone 02 6331 2338
Fax       02 63334 524

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