Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> Far from the madding crowd


After weeks and weeks of expressing concern about the right to communicate,
your recent comments about the importance of spiritual regeneration as you
are presently experiencing was a tiimely reminder to us all of the noise of
the modern "developed" world.

I, too, live on a farm at Mount David in Australia, 65km from the rural
city of Bathurst in which my consultancy is based. Coming four and a half
years ago from Sydney with its 3 million people was a culture shock for
some time, but the quietness has a way of stilling the mind and
re-establishing the importance of non-material pleasures. I can sit and
watch our Highland cattle and my multicultural flock of black/brown and
grey sheep during the day and the glittering spread of
stars from horizon to horizon at night and wonder why we are all so frantic
to communicate.

Jan said he thought I might be sounding too fatalistic in an earlier
message, but fatalism is not the right word. Acceptance of infinity and the
temporality of each individual life comes with maturing years, and in my
own case, a strong conviction which goes almost along the lines of eastern
philosophies which are less "driven" than we seem to be in western societies.

Enjoy your Barbados peace while you can and thank you for reminding us of
the values inherent in the contemplative life.


Gerri Marston
Communications Management
Suite 2/49 Keppel STreet
PO Box 1774
Bathurst  NSW  2795

Telephone 02 6331 2338
Fax       02 63334 524
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