Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-1> Re: Far from the madding crowd

Lanie. Thank you so much for your post. For me it reads as a poem ---  It
is gratifying to read sentiments so beautifully expressed. You have given
me permission to further enjoy the natural wonders of my simple life.
Barbados sounds idyllic---in spite of, or because of the missing telephone.

Īt seems that you and I are wanting to alert others to the importance of
'soul food' communication with the real world as opposed to the driven
agendas [in all ways] of the man made one. We are no doubt fortunate to
have choice. However the simple life and its attendant wisdoms are
extremely underrated and devalued.

> I wonder how I could ever form opinions without ever
> living like this. Was I only selling the popular agenda.
> Now I think harder. I wonder more. Can we preserve these
> pockets of culture in the midst of globalization.
> This is lost in the cities where the Universities are located,
> or the head offices of the companies are found. How do
> we communicate to them from these pockets of isolation
> our desire to be a part of the world, but, our reluctance
> to be taken over by it?"

I don't have the answers Lanie. I wish I did because the questions are

I believe that many urban dwellers suffer from excess stimuli and sensory
saturation. Most of us are driven by tachnology and information overload,
relying on processed judgements by others and conforming to the "popular
agenda" interpreted as culture. It is not simply the monopolies we have to
guard against but the artificial cloaked as real, the commercialisation,
the political, religious and gender "takeovers"of smaller cultures and

News from here to-day includes Telecom {Telstra} strike and release of
recommendations by Communications Authority. They apparently perceive rural
upgrading as unnesessary! What is interesting is that a Health Board is
taking up the issue with the government to fight for equality on behalf of
individuals in rural and remote areas. The Health Board spokesperson stated
[as Kole suggests] that communication is a fundamental human right.

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