Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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Re: <amarc-3> Why don't you say hello/salut/hola...?

Greetings, One and All.  I'm Elizabeth Robinson writing from the belly of
the beast.  Actually, I run a campus and community radio station, KCSB, in
Santa Barbara, California.  I train about 150 people a year in the
fundamentals of audio broadcasting and I produce programming as well,
primarily political with specific interests in media criticism,
internationalism, the Middle East and Africa.  I also produce a public
access television program, "Third World News Review" which has been
telecast since 1984.  I have also been deputy to the AMARC vice-president
for North American since 1992 and a participant in the Grassroots Radio
Coalition as well as an associate member of the National Federation of
Community Broadcasters.  

My interests in AMARC were first sparked by the AMARC 5 theme - "Todos Los
Voces" - at a time when US community radio seemed to be abandoning that
notion in favour of a small, paid group of programmers who would presume to
speak for all the people.  Since that time, it seems to me, even as we are
inundated with media of various sorts, our access to active participation
is disappearing.  And, unfortunately, too few people in community media
here seem to notice.  The acceptions are those stations which remain
primarily volunteer-based and the micro-radio activists/advocates who are
challenging state and corporate control of media.   

The questions which Elvira has posed and you all have responded to are
enormous.  In some cases because existing resources are so meagre and in
others because they are so vast and so compromised.  I need to think about
them before I respond at any length, but I have two comments: 1. I agree
that an action plan is critical, but 2), I think formulating a document to
begin with will pose some major challenges.  Not only because the vision is
an important one, but also because there may be a tendency to quibble about
language and lose the fundamental ideas in the process.  

Finally, this is my first venture into a virtual conference and I am
undertaking it as major repairs are going on at our building, so I'll try
to keep up, but I beg your sufferance.  I have appreciated the input from
you all thus far which is the best incentive for persisting.  Elizabeth

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