Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-4> Re: Virtual Forum


Income generation for stations: In October/November 1997 the satellite
service secured 2 x 30 second announcements and 2 x 15 minute info programmes
from the Gauteng provincial government, and in early 1998 a Cosatu (labour
federation) recruitment national advert. This year the adverts &
announcements from the Gauteng government included:

* 5 community radio's live satellite broadcast links for Gauteng govt.
* gaming license, Housing  delivery, Child welfare, Gauteng '89/99 budget &
Tender board precaument.
* community radio stations presenters were active in that we rotated the
presenters from stations as full participants in the SACRIN project.
* a contract for a monthly live broacast for all MEC's in the Gauteng govt.
until March 1999.

Our stations have benefited in all of these programmes as we secured payment
for all airtime. There are much more to come their way. A number of quotes
are currently considered by them for approval. Other work in the pipeline

* National Welfare Department announcements
* 30 IDASA democracy programmes will go on satellite in the last week of July
* 20 x 15 minute HIV Aids educational will follow
* 15 minute Gender programmes - leading up to women's week in August with
live satellite national broadcast
* Human Rights tender- 1,7 million NCRF/SABC - national
* We are also in the process of completing 12 musical election songs with a
group of artists who are blind - to be broadcast via satellite

The satellite network will also serve as a practical training placement for
community radio journalists.  It is therefore essential for us to have a
fully equipped news room that will compile and distribute news on a weekly
basis to community radio stations via Satellite. We envisage to have a daily
news bulletin broadcasted from the centre to the stations and to the
sub-regions. This news service will provide the stations with an alternative
news angle, and it will be up to the stations to down load these news at
anytime of their convenience. We are also in the process of finalising our
satellite children broadcast link to train kids to do their own
shows/production (in partnership with TML - fundraising).

Can new technology work for community media if we have a vision? Can the hope
for self sustainability of the sector be achieved through SACRIN? 

The SACRIN Project is aimed at developing the community radio sector through
new technologies and facilitating information sharing for equal development.
The success of this project is highly dependent on its project partners,
those being the stations themselves. Most of the SACRIN activities will be
conducted at regional levels, with the regional structures taking a leading
role in them. It is our view that sustainable development is brought about by
full participation of all stake holders.  Indications are that this project
will grow and that there is light at the end of the tunnel for the community

Nkopane Maphiri, NCRF
Mervyn Swartz, CDC
NCRF, Suite 109
Private Bag X42
Braamfontein 2017
South Africa
Tel: +27.11.403.4336 (NCRF) or 403.2750 (CDC)
Fax: +27.11.403.4314 (NCRF) or 403.1510 (CDC)
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

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