Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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Thread index
Last updated: Thu Aug 20 08:03:48 98
25 messages

  • <amarc-4> AMARC 7 Virtual Forum / Foro Virtual de AMARC 7 / Forum Virtuel d'AMARC 7, Lorencita Pinto (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> Welcome amarc-4, Lorencita Pinto
  • <amarc-4> Welcome 2 amarc-4, Lorencita Pinto
  • <amarc-4> Information request, Lorencita Pinto
  • <amarc-4> PRELIMINAIRES, Mademba Ndiaye" (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> Réactions aux PRELIMINAIRES de Mademba Ndiaye, Michel Delorme (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> Break the ice! ¡Láncese al agua! Brise la glace!, Lorencita Pinto
  • Re: <amarc-4> Réactions aux PRELIMINAIRES de Mademba Ndiaye, Mademba Ndiaye" (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> Community Radio and NICTs, L. Muthoni Wanyeki" (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> BULLETIN SUMMARY : BULLETIN : BOLETIN, Elvira Truglia
  • <amarc-4> Re: Virtual Forum - SA part 2, [email protected] (amarc) (by way of Lorencita Pinto )
  • <amarc-4> Re: Virtual Forum - SA part 1, [email protected] (amarc) (by way of Lorencita Pinto )
  • <amarc-4> Re: Virtual Forum, [email protected] (amarc) (by way of Lorencita Pinto )
  • <amarc-4> Introduction: George Lessard, Media Activist & Trainer, George(s) Lessard" (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> August winds / Vents d'août / Vientos de agosto, Lorencita Pinto
  • <amarc-4> SR Telecom and Kenya, L. Muthoni Wanyeki" (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)
  • <amarc-4> Intro - Steve Ahern, [email protected] (by way of Lorencita Pinto )
  • <amarc-4> Regional Priorities / Prioridades regionales / Priorites regionales, Lorencita Pinto
  • No Subject, Lorencita Pinto
  • <amarc-4> RE:, Ashley Wickham (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)

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    Tecnical realisation, scripting and archiving: Worldcom Foundation


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