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Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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<amarc-4> SR Telecom and Kenya

Dear Don Richardson.

Just a quick note to say thanks for the news release on SR Telecom's
deal with Kenya
(typically, this information has not been released in Kenya yet).  We've
just spent a hectic month lobbying for changes to the Communications
Bill (re: privatization of our PTC and issues of universal access,
implications for broadcast regulation, etc) and one of the hotly debated
issues was what deals had already been made with whom (and by whom in
the absence of a strong and independent regulatory body).  Anyway, the
Bill went through last week with some of the changes we wanted but all
previously brokered deals still stand.  But...the info is still useful
and we'll certainly follow up with them here on some sort of useful
working relationship.

The Haitian project sounds interesting and I'll check out the website to
see if we can draw anything from it for the pilot project here.

Thanks again and regards.

Lynne Muthoni Wanyeki
Programme Officer, Community Media
EcoNews Africa

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