Media/Medios Enteros (Mixed Media/Whole Media) is a conference to
discuss independent broadcasting, new information and communication technologies
(ICT), development and democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Mixed Media/Medios
Enteros is about the cultural, economic political and technical
convergence that is changing traditional broadcasting. The conference will
be organised around four central themes:
and exchanges - Until recently broadcast networks were the exclusive
preserve of a few large national and international companies. With declining
cost of satellite usage, improved Internet applications and increased bandwidth,
new entrants are breaking into the field, establishing sub-regional and
special interest networks of independent and community broadcasters. Can
these emerging networks help bring about a more pluralist, democratic and
counter hegemonic media? |
new role for the audience - In 1932 Bertolt Brecht wrote: Radio
could be the most wonderful public communication system imaginable… if
it were capable, not only of transmitting, but also of receiving, of making
the listener not only hear but also speak. Can the convergence of traditional
broadcasting with new interactive communication technologies result in
the more responsive and democratic media that Brecht hoped for? Or will
it follow in the footsteps of so much open-line radio -- creating an illusion
of participation behind which hides an increasingly inaccessible media? |
generation radio - Over the past year animated debates have been
taking place between those who argue that radio will remain the most important
media for the poor and new media proponents who argue that the broadcast
monologue will be replaced by the Internet dialogue. But will convergence
have an either/or result, or will the injection of the Internet's digital
DNA turn next generation radio into an entirely new species? |
and local media - The process of globalisation is marked with tension
between the global and the local and by debates about whether convergence
inhibits divergence or permits new voices to be heard. Is there still a
role for local media? What are the contradictions inherent in local media's
use of the tools of globalisation? |
Within these four themes, questions
to be examined include:
What role
can independent public service radio and television broadcasters have in
extending the reach of the knowledge infrastructure in Latin America and
the Caribbean? |
If the convergence
of telecommunications and information technology is going to change the
world as significantly as some believe, what are the implications of this
for the 97% of the world's population that do not have direct access to
the Internet? Will radio and television continue to have a role for those
who do have access to the Internet? |
How can the
Internet be used to build and strengthen networks and to exchange news
and information among broadcasters? |
Do independent
broadcasters have a responsibility to ensure that convergence will result
in a greater rather than less diversity of voices and images? |
Can broadcasters
make use of the Internet to make their own programming more interactive
and meaningful to their listeners? |
What are the
implications of the changing media environment for national sovereignty,
local culture and regional integration? |
The conference will also provide input
to two other important international gatherings:
Conference papers will be published
in English and Spanish.
Who will attend
The forty invited participants, primarily
from Latin America and the Caribbean, represent a wide variety of experiences
including traditional over-the-air radio and television, Internet webcasting,
satellite networks, and Internet-based initiatives for linking and supporting
diverse independent and public service broadcast initiatives for networking,
news and information exchange, cultural programming, entertainment, research,
and community development projects.
While papers will be accepted in English,
Spanish, French and Portuguese, the working language of the conference
will be English. A limited number of scholarships are available. Contact
the organisers for information.
See the Documents and Links pages for
information about some of the participants.
Tampa, Florida
September 23 and 24. The conference
is a prequel to the annual gathering of the International Institute of
Communications (IIC). The IIC conference, which will also take place in
Tampa, will be on September 26, 27 amd 28.
The conference is hosted by the Friedrich
Ebert Foundation and organised by Comunica.
Additional support is provided by the IIC.
info@ comunica.org
Kloksteeg 17B
2611 BL Delft
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 15 278.8548
Fax: +31 20 882.6517 |