Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters
Seventh World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters    
Milan, 23-29 August 1998   
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Septième Assemblée mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires    
Milan, 23-29 août 1998   
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Séptima Asamblea Mundial de Radios Comunitarias  
Milan, 23-29 de Agosto 1998   
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<amarc-4> Re: Virtual Forum - SA part 2

Technology in this country is developing at an amazing rate, and this has an
effect on grass roots communities who are left behind these developments. At
present a large amount of communities are still without basic facilities on
the one hand and on the other we have a small elite with access to state of
the art facilities. This imbalance has existed for a while and will remain if
we do not take advantage of the enabling environment that is prevailing in
our country today and use it to correct this imbalance. 

Our objectives are 
media organisations and community media projects at grass roots level .
private broadcasters and internationally. 
information centre for communities who are interested in starting their own
community radio stations.
wide web.

With this project we not only clarify that perception, but we also prove that
community media is a unique kind of media that is of a participatory manner,
and has a very high impact on it's communities.

Satellite SACRIN is offering member stations a wide variety of programming,
ranging from current affairs, actuality programs, labour programs, etc. The
editorial content of these programs is determined by the editorial team and
policy. Member stations are welcomed to contribute programs and programming
ideas that the team will work on. 

All the programs that are transmitted are accompanied by a programming guide
and an evaluation sheet which will be e-mailed / faxed to stations. Stations
are also encouraged to record some of their programs and to send them to the
editorial team for refining and up linking. 

CDC has installed a Satellite up linking facility which is linked to the PAS
4 satellite via Sentech. There are also studio facilities at CDC to edit and
transmit these programs from. SACRIN is using an analogue satellite bouquet
which has been rented for 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week .

The NCRF and CDC view this project as a income generating strategy for the
sector. Advertising revenue will be generated through the satellite network
from which stations and all other role players would benefit. Program
sponsorships will also be attracted. These programs will be broadcast to
stations via satellite, and the same can be said for commercial spots.

Most stations are currently in contractual agreements with organisations
which render media buying services for them at high commission rates. As part
of SACRIN, a marketing wing has been established (Dynamic Media) which will
market community radio stations at provincial and national levels. This
marketing will deal with retail advertising brokerage and government

Dynamic Media will also serve as a training platform for community radio
marketing departments, as regular training workshops are envisaged through
this wing. Dynamic media is a marketing wing of SACRIN which is in turn
accountable to NCRF and its membership, and to the CDC.

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