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Re: <amarc-4> Community Radio and NICTs

Hi ....

My name is Mark Surman. Among other roles, I am the Information, Content and
Tools Coordinator for the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) -
a global federation of progressive Internet providers.

As someone who will be helping with a workshop of community radio and ICTs
at AMARC7, I have been interested in all of the postings to this list so
far. In particular, I was impressed by the message from Muthoni Wanyeki. I
would like to pick up where this message left off.

-----Original Message-----
From: L. Muthoni Wanyeki (by way of Lorencita Pinto <[email protected]>)

2) concrete ideas about training to ensure NICTs aren't
>just seen as a means of accessing information, but also of disseminating
>and mainstreaming marginalized (even within Africa) perspectives.

To me, this distinction between access to information and dissemination is
key! There are millions of private sector and donor dollars being spent on
resolving the access issue. At the same time, very little work or discussion
is focussed on the issue of dissemination by marginalized groups or regions.
While access is important, this lop-sided focus will likely lead us down the
same path we have been down many times before -- one way information flow
emanating from those who already have significant power and resources.

Despite this trend, I think we still have many opportunities to create a
mediasphere unlike what we have had in the past. One where there is a
diversity of voices, as well as real access to audiences and financing for
smaller, previously marginalized producers working in a variety of media.
One key to making this happen is focussing on the dissemination issue.

There are some good dissemination projects out there which facilitate real
information flow from diverse sources. Econews Africa is one good example.
Another one (albeit often focussed within the north) is the AINFOS Media
Network ( and Aimed at facilitating
information flow 'by and for an anarchists', AINFOS combines e-mail lists
and WWW sites to allow alternative journalists to share print and audio
files. These files are then picked up and shared by like minded journalists.

My hope is that we can use this list and our time in Milan to further think
through how to develop models and carve out space on electronic networks
that will permanently ensure this kind of grassroots-to-grassroots and
grassroots-to-mainstream communication can flourish using NICTs.

Looking forward to further conversation ...

- Mark


Mark Surman - [email protected]
voice: 416.531.9579 - fax: 416.878.3460

Programme Coordinator - Information, Content and Tools
Association for Progressive Communications

Civil Society Internet Consultant
Commons Consulting

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